The Ninja ™ is a GNSS RF simulator with advanced capabilities to simulate various interference and spoofing signals.
Ninja can be used to simulate simultaneously RF signals for rover and reference station receivers in LAAS, to simulate channel separated satellites to facilitate tests in echo chambers, reflectometry and multipath research by allowing external user-defined channel fading.
C API allows to modify existing or implement custom simulation models.
COPYRIGHT 2017-2021 ZERO C SEVEN, INC. All rights reserved.
IP-Solutions / Zero C Seven, Inc.Ark Mori Building 12th Floor, 1-12-32 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6012
Tel: +81 (03) 4360 8261
IP-Solutions / Zero C Seven, Inc.
Ark Mori Building 12th Floor, 1-12-32 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6012
Tel: +81 (03) 4360 8261